It was during quiet time with God that it hit me.
I felt ashamed and embarrassed.
I had let myself once again fall into the divisive trap that is American politics.
Photo credit: Ricardo Fernández (Creative Commons) |
You see I am often critical of politicians. I question their words, their motives, their initiatives.
And rightly so in many cases.
But it was in that moment that I felt God asking me, "For all the criticizing that you do, have you taken time to pray for them?"
The truth is, I had not.
I had dehumanized the politicians on the other side of the aisle so that I could demonize them.
But what God reminded me that morning is that these same politicians are real people, made in His image, loved by Him, and in need of a savior.
Just like me.
The 76%
Most of us have already decided who we're going to vote for in the presidential election.
And all of us think we are right (myself included).
But how many of us have taken the time to pray about it?