The Slippery Slope of Unbridled Greed

 A preview of May's email-only article.

Jonathan Gallegos

In this month's subscriber email we're examining the devastating effects of unchecked greed. (If you're not signed up to receive these emails, you can do so below.)

Here's how the article starts:

Among many vices and stupidities against which we're warned in the book of Proverbs, greed has to be in the top ten. In just the 13th verse of the book we get the first treatment on the subject where Solomon relates the motivations of would-be murderers: "We shall find all precious goods, we shall fill our houses with plunder."

In this case the driving factor for murder is mere greed. They want to get stuff.

Sounds pretty lame to me. And desperate.

Nevertheless, we should not be so quick to dismiss the gale force of the winds of greed. Though the vice may start small—a longing for new shoes or the newest iPhone, perhaps—left unchecked, greed is a cancer that can eventually consume its host.


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Two Things All Wise People Do

Wisdom seeks out knowledge from the source.

Artyom Kabajev

If you know someone who is wise, I bet you he or she approaches life in two discrete ways.

What's tricky about wisdom is its relative nature. Wisdom isn't an achievement you earn like a badge or a certification, but rather it is a cumulative process of acquiring practical knowledge over time. Everyone falls somewhere on the scale from fool to sage.

Nevertheless, the fact that wisdom can't really be achieved or measured actually leads us to the first behavior all wise people seem to engage in: they seek out wisdom. If this seems like a catch-22, well, it kind of is. Let's illustrate the point with a story from a foodie co-worker of mine.