Whether You Realize It or Not, Nothing Can Prepare You for Tragedy

  A preview of February's email-only article.

Mitch Gaff

Can you ever really prepare for tragedy?

Should you even try?

Every month I publish an exclusive article for my email subscribers, and this month we're wrestling with these very questions. If you'd like instant, free access, fill out the form below.

Here's a snippet:

The same counsel we give others in times of stress or grief we should abide by when such situations befall us. If we advise others to trust in God's provision, but feel slighted by God in the face of loss, doesn't that make us hypocrites?

But you see, everything Job taught and counseled those countless others to do could have been 100% correct in theory. Job was obviously wise, resourceful, and devout so I'm sure he had a lot of good advice to hand out.

But no amount of reading, studying, prayer, counsel, or anything else can prepare you for tragedy and the grief that follows. It is impossible to get in that headspace until you yourself undergo it.

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See you next month!

The Nature of True Blessings

 Enrichment is more important than riches.

Jon Tyson


THE TRICKY THING about discussing blessings is that the word means so many different things to different people.

Many consider the word only in financial terms.

Some pastors, because of ignorance or deliberate misinterpretation of the Scriptures, teach that mountains of cash is a birthright for the child of God. Are you a believer, but are not rich? Then you do not have enough faith.

So the thinking goes.

Setting aside the charlatans for a moment, those who honestly come by their interpretation of the promises of Proverbsthat blessings are all about the material worldcould be forgiven for such a shallow interpretation.

The Polarity of Money and Its Ruinous Effects

 A preview of January's email-only article.

Adam Nir

Are wealthy people greedy scumbags? Are the poor virtuous? After all, Jesus did say, "Blessed are you who are poor" (Luke 6:20).

But if these things are true, what do we do with Bible verses that seem to indicate otherwise?

Every month I publish an exclusive article for my email subscribers, and this month we're wrestling with these very questions. If you'd like instant, free access, fill out the form below.

Here's how the article starts:

I've always said money is amoral—neither virtuous nor vulgar. 
No doubt I stole this from someone wiser than myself, and when I recall from where I'll be sure to give credit.
Nevertheless, the fact that such a notion need be uttered or is controversial at all is a testament to the backward thinking on the subject of currency. Opinions are all over the place among the masses, Christian and heathen alike. Where some see wealth as a badge for hard work and a sign of favor from God, others see the wealthy as corrupt, selfish, greedy beings.
On the other pole we get the same range of sentiments: it is morally superior to be poor. Or the counterpoint—an opinion which cannot be uttered in the public sphere today, but for sure resides in the back of the minds of some: poverty is morally reprehensible because it represents a lack of discipline, hard work, and contribution to society. 
So which judgment is correct? 

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