The Enemy of Faith (It's Not What You Think)

The greatest barrier to faith isn't doubt.

Did you know I write a monthly article for my email subscribers?

This month we're talking about the primary obstacle to faith in our lives. Here's how the article begins:

If you were to ask someone on the street what the opposite of faith is, he or she might say it is doubt.

I disagree.

In fact, I think doubt is a healthy part of the faith equation. Those who never doubt the religious advice of others end up brainwashed and burned to death in a Waco, Texas compound, or protesting military funerals and holding signs proclaiming, "God hates gays."

God fashioned human beings in his own image. Part of that image is the ability to reason. No other terrestrial creatures have such abilities.


So if doubt isn't the opposite of faith what is?

If you'd like to read the rest, enter your email address below and click the button. It's totally free to sign up and just takes a moment.


I send out two to three emails per month, and you can unsubscribe at any time. I will never share or sell your info either.

Until next time,


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