I'm guest posting at Kevin Halloran's site today about how not to freak out in response to the upcoming presidential election. Here's a snippet:
If you were to ask just about any Christian his or her take on the status of America today, I can bet the answer would be more negative than positive.
Respondents might cite moral decay exacerbated by the embrace of postmodernism, debilitating national debt, racial violence, erosion of freedoms, and the list goes on. Were I to assess the situation myself, I would be inclined to agree with such a summation. The nation appears headed in the wrong direction morally, politically, financially, and just about every other “ly” word you can think of.
But as bad as things seem to us in the 21st Century, Jews in 2nd Century BC Palestine had it much worse.
Click here to read the rest on KevinHalloran.net.
P. S. My most recent book, Under the Sun: Discover Your Calling and Live a Meaningful Life is on sale today for 0.99. Hurry up and grab your copy!
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